‘Thank-A-Teacher’ – the holiday season is a perfect time

The holiday season is the perfect opportunity to Thank our Teachers! The Thank-A-Teacher program is a great way to tell your child’s teachers how much you appreciate the work that they do! Each educator honored by a donation receives a personalized card from the Education Foundation thanking them for their work, and includes the name of your child.


Due date: December 12, 2017
You can also donate using the flyers we sent home in your child’s backpack. You can download it here!

Congratulations to the Top of the Hill Class 2017

This year’s alumni includes members with exceptional achievements and contributions to their community. We have Mike Whalen – a Marine Corps veteran; Scott Mackin – a Hopkinton community enthusiast; Sarah Ellam – a Hopkinton High teacher and Joshua Hannah – the very creator of this program.

HHS graduates are recognized by Top of the Hill not just for their test scores or for being on covers of magazines, but for their great work in society. “It’s what you do with your grades” according to surprise inductee Joshua Hanna, Vice Principal at Hopkinton High School during his introduction of the honorees to the students.

Mike Whalen (1968)

So much can be said about Mike, but what we took away was how big his heart is and how he continues to change the lives of veterans around him. He remembers being inspired by a teacher. He was also a coach and an Athletic Director who was raising six children all while having a part-time job. This impression left Mike believing that he could get it all done too and aspired to lead his life to the fullest which he sure has. There are very few organizations he hasn’t touched. As he continues to volunteer and be a part of many local organizations, we thank you Mike.

Scott Mackin (1986)

Since his graduation, Scott has become Hopkinton. There isn’t a single event that Scott isn’t a big part of from coaching many HHS sports including football, baseball and basketball (though if you ask him, his favorite sport to coach is football), to walking in the Little League and Veterans Day parades. Scotty is Hopkinton!

“He defines what it means to be a Hiller. He bleeds green. He bleeds orange. He bleeds white. Everyone around town knows who he is”, – Mark Sanborn , who has known Scott since he was a student at HHS. Thank you Scott for all that you are for our community.

Listen to the story of Scott Mackin

Sarah Ellam (1998)

Sarah understood the value of her education all the while attending HHS and since her graduation has pursued a life that allowed her to give back. She spends her time now at HHS being a role model to the students. She is dedicated to empowering students to learn and inspires students to explore the diverse world around them. She hopes to encourage her students to ask questions about who they are and to fail as often and early. Those are the best and most valuable lessons learned by students. Thank you Sarah for recognizing the value of education and for pursing your passion to better our community.

Joshua Hanna (1995)

Joshua, the creator of this program, and the current HHS VP is a much deserving recipient of his surprise induction to the Top of the Hill. He embodies exactly what it means to be a part of this program. To know that it was the students that wanted this for you just shows exactly why you are their role model and to the faculty alike. Thank you Josh for believing in this program, for recognizing what it means to be a Hiller and for embodying that every day in your life.